A real-world example
Gavin receives an email to let him know his fixed-rate or variable tariff is coming to an end
The email includes details of new tariffs and the tariff comparison rates with a link to access the online portal.
Gavin is too busy to open the first email and is sent a text message reminder
The SMS message links to the same portal as the email with all activity tracked centrally.
Having not replied to either email or text, Gavin receives a reminder by post
This mail is only sent when the text or email reminders do not generate a response.
That evening...
Gavin responds to the original email and signs up to a new tariff
The letter triggers Gavin to open up his unread email, whereby he follows the links and signs up for another 12 months.
2 days later...
A few days later, Gavin receives his hard copy documents by post and email
His new contract and direct debit payment schedule are sent by post with the associated documentation available online.